I originally started blogging to have an outlet from all the chaos in my personal life. Things started to get so crazy that I started to lose my drive and couldn't get motivated to write. BoujeeonaBudget is (well WAS) a fashion blog. I had gotten to the point where I didn't even care to get dressed much less take pictures. So busy tending to everyone else and doing favors, I felt forced to put my dreams on the back burner. Something had to change... and FAST! there's so many people in the world today that are miserable, unhappy and just mean because they are angry with themselves for not going after their dreams. I won't be one of them!
I started reading Joyce Meyers "The Confident Woman" and slowly I realized how important I should be to me. Prayer and Bible Scriptures have put things into perspective for me. Since fifth grade, all I ever wanted to do was write, about anything really. Sure, I've had other dreams along the way but my heart is wrapped around a pen and flowing across a sheet of paper. Writing brings me peace and happiness. It's a stress reliever. What Midol is to cramps, that's what writing is to me. Takes the pain away.
I'm working on my novel (Which I've written about three times)! There are doubters but there's many who believe in me and keep encouraging me to go after my dreams. I promised not to let those people down. I promise not to let me down. Most importantly, as a parent, the best things I can teach my children is to follow their heart....
So now BoujeeonaBudget will be about me. Whatever I feel like writing about. It's my blog right? I can do what I want. I hope you guys enjoy and if you don't, I don't care.... Like I said.... I just want to write.
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